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Arrangements, Preparations and Adjustments (Exhibition Time)

Its almost time for the closing event for this year's miLAB projects and we're thrilled about showing off our fine-looking prototype. Our work effort is now concentrated on creating a user information exchange scenario, a web platform for uploading new questions to the Clicks app, and connecting the new toggle switch behind the Perspex glass. Earlier this week we managed to finish our data base thanks to our computer science major, Daniel Dror, and with help from our mentor Dr. Guy Hoffman.

Clicks' data base was created with Firebase - a platform that provides developers with simple and unique tools for synchronizing live feed data between applications and distant internet servers. The data base is basically a JSON file (a simple textual format for transferring information, designed to represent simple data structures) which is comprised of a list of questions and answers. Each segment in the list contains a new list with one question and a list of four possible answers.

The application is designed so that every week it turns to the next segment in the question list, reading the question and the possible answers. Firebase offers an easy platform to use with Android Studio, making it very easy to add new question or more functions to the Clicks app.

Beside the efforts by our computer science majors, Tal and Daniel, and Lior, our design major to finish the tasks mentioned in the beginning of this post, the rest of our team is working on the exhibition day itself. We're preparing a short, 30 seconds, pitch line to each of our team members so we can deliver our explaination in a perfect manner. Lior and Gidon are in charge of designing and printing business cards for us to hand out at the exhibition.

And that’s it! All our work this year is coming to its grand finale. The event takes place on June 17th in the Arazi-Offer lobby at IDC. We're very excited! Are you?

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